Is there a best of category for postings?
You forgot the secret handshake. LOL. Those Catholics are NOT coerced to stay, unlike the 7 million.
we sent this letter to all the elders after they decided that we deserved to die for asking questions that they either could not answer, despite their declared extensive knowledge of the scriptures, or else were too embarrassed to admit the answers.
needless to say we never received a reply or heard from them again.
i post this in the hope it may help others to come to terms with their situation.. “some months ago manny visited us.
Is there a best of category for postings?
You forgot the secret handshake. LOL. Those Catholics are NOT coerced to stay, unlike the 7 million.
refusing to social distance?
declining to wear a mask?stupid people wallowing in a giant puddle of stupidity?
maybe / maybe not.i’ll tell you what i think …it may be fundamental defiance does that work??
Sloppy wiping of credit machines at the store, if at all. Same dirty gloves. Dirty carts, but the handle was wiped.
I watched the pillsbury dough boy testing people in cars. Assuming some sick people can spend time waiting in in line, the virus would be on the suit when the next car pulls up and spread.
Are most of asymptomatic and immune or going to die this week? I cant keep the story straight.
In the meantime my wife has delayed followup on a supposedly in remission cancer which shows signs of coming back, she could not go in in April. Still will be next month and I cannot go in with her. It is hopefully scar tissue or fat and not a tumor remnant.
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
Average family 4, 6 days, 2 sessions each. Take the number of sign ins times 48. Record attendance.
They should worry less about numbers and get a realistic ( true) message
a new fox poll says biden is up by 12 percentage points.
of course, most other polls say trump will be trounced this time around.. do you think the polls might be right this time?
They claim Trump will not step down. IF there are signs of voter fraud and some states give the electors to the majority national winner they may be right. In tgat case jyst have new york city and LA and Frisco vote
so he comes out of the movement and says this has become much less about environmentalism and more about trying to turn the world to marxism.
we have seen this in the blm, antifa and other so called movements that are a thin mask for the real goal.
and we know marxism has killed more people then the plague.
I heard we can STOP climate change by reducing emissions by 100%. Honest to god, on NPR and said without any giggles.
the watchtower—study edition | august 2020 .
study article 33. the resurrection reveals god’s love, wisdom, and patience.
8 for a number of reasons, we can assume that those greeting resurrected individuals will be able to recognize their loved ones.
"We" are the ones who are told what we think and how to hold our tongue when doing tasks
i was bored to death this sunday, and suddenly i remembered that it could be worse if having to attend the public meeting on a sunday, even worse, not being assigned to the sound department, accomodating, being the mic guy, or reading the wt at the platform... then i realized that i hated just "attending" and sitting at meetings, those "privileges" were the only thing i enjoyed and made my last months inside bearable.... did you enjoy these assignments?
I used to like being a corridor attendant and actually helping peiple at times. If I got a section my wife had to wake me up for the count. Parking, literature, food, were ok. Cleaning sucked as there was always some professional janitor in charge
at what time would you say that the watch tower schema lost the spirit?.
like the ancient nation of israel which struggled maintaining divine blessing due to a long series of grave errors that eventually culminated in definitive loss... how and when did watch tower lose the spirit?.
can we pinpoint a time or event?.
Pyramidology led to a unsustainable generation teaching. Time ran out with no fulfillment. so choose either of those dates.
The hostile takeover by Rutherford plays into it too.
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
That watching girls was a highlight. slinky long dresses that accentuated the shape. The sheer ones with a backlight were good, as were the arena stairs.
I foresee problems with the marrying workmates and other non witnesses as it has been made nigh on impossible to meet now.
The best part was better wifi for surfing and the snacks
I recognize some of the same people in the pics they use. Our hero was raised witness as shown by his lack of dental care when young. I know, same problem.
dead cat receives voter registration in mail..
Probably from the DNC.